Reposted from Huff Post
College , Posted: 05/25/11 07:15 PM ET
As finals approach, it can be difficult to remember that the
stress, sleeplessness and brain drain shall pass. But there are also myriad
ways to make the next few weeks more bearable -- and to ensure that you make
the grade. Below, check out 12 study tips that will ease the final countdown,
and maybe even help you boost your GPA.
1. Study in
Chunks- Although it's tempting
(and sometimes inevitable) cramming really isn't the best way to study.
According to the Dartmouth Academic
Skills Center , you should study in 20-50 minute
increments and give yourself a 5 to 10 minute break between each session. For
best results, study throughout one full week.
2. Listen to Mozart- Certain types of music, like Mozart's compositions --
which follow a 60 bpm pattern -- have been shown to activate both the right and
left sides of the brain in listeners. Stimulation of both sides is linked with
increased recall, and so listening while studying can help increase the likelihood that you will
retain relevant information.
3. Alternate Study Spots- Earlier this
year, the New York Times explained that rather than
sticking to one study spot, you should switch things up when reviewing for
exams. (Like one of the Trojan Buildings’ courtyards!)
4. Drink
Cocoa- Packed with antioxidants as well as cognitive and
mood enhancers, the unadulterated cacao bean has been recently
lauded as a
superfood. But once it is processed into chocolate bars, cacao's healthy
benefits are overpowered by sugar -- which will provide a spurt of energy
followed by a longer crash. To take full advantage of the nutritious bean,
dissolve a spoonful of organic cocoa into a hot milk of your choice and add
cinnamon, espresso and cayenne pepper for optimal energy.
5. Form a Study Group- Study
groups can motivate you to get started when it's hard to motivate yourself --
plus, explaining difficult concepts out loud will help you figure out what you
understand and what you still need to go over, and getting a group together
will allow you to divide and conquer definition of terms and explanations of
concepts. And if you can get each member to bring a snack, that's incentive to
actually meet.
Prevent Test Anxiety- If mere mention of the phrase "final
exam" makes your heart beat a little faster, mastering exam material may
not be all you need to worry about. To calm yourself down -- and prevent from
blanking during the test -- spend some time before the exam imagining yourself
acing it. You also might want to induce stress while studying, and then
practice quelling fear by taking deep breaths, focusing on what you know and
keeping things (including the importance of the test) in perspective.
7. Jog
Around Campus- According to some, just
20 minutes of cardio a day can help improve your memory. And for those of you
who can, cardio outside is even better -- taking a break in nature is more relaxing than taking a
walk down a city street, which calls upon you to engage actively with your
environment. But if the gym is closed, you can always take a quick dance break.
8. Manage
Your Time- By the time finals roll around, your time is precious --
every minute counts. Which is why scheduling is essential during the weeks (er,
days) prior to exams. So as not to go totally bonkers during this stressful
time, make a realistic study schedule for yourself. Leave yourself time for
breaks -- you'll be taking them anyway -- and be sure to prioritize according
to which class you'll need to study for the most.
9. Go
To Office Hours- Nobody ever wants to go to office hours, which
is why professors and TAs are so happy whenever students do show up --
the trick is to go a few weeks before finals, when you are sure to have plenty
of time to meet and discuss. Even if you only have one question, feedback from
a professor will help you figure out what he thinks is most important, and will
help you figure out what to focus on while studying.
10. Approach
Each Class Differently- If you try to study for your calculus
exam the way you would study for a literature exam, you probably won't do very
11. Build
on What You Know- If you start by studying what you know and add
more difficult or recent material as you proceed, you can associate new
information with familiar material. Rather than taking on intimidating amounts
of new information, this will ease you into a comprehensive review and ensure
you don't forget basics.
12. Make
It Interesting- Just as it's harder to recall a list of 20
words than a 20-word sentence, it's harder to recall a list of boring facts
than a story -- to help retain information, try to connect with whatever it is
you're learning. Whether by using memory aids (like mnemonic devices) or
making facts personal, bringing test material to life will make it much easier
to remember.